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Secrets to Successful Fiction

In this six-week course, you will learn essential writing techniques, from crafting captivating openings and unforgettable characters to developing engaging conflicts and satisfying conclusions, all guided by expert professionals to elevate your storytelling skills.


Starts October 3rd!


Like any other skill, writing well takes both knowledge and practice

Just as an athlete benefits from working with a knowledgeable coach, rather than trying to learn the game on his own, writers can knock months or years off their efforts by working with knowledgeable professionals. Rather than stumbling through a first draft, not sure of
how to put words on the page, you can learn the techniques up front and apply them to your work starting with page one.

In this six week course, you will:

  • Identify your genre and learn to craft an opening that captures the reader's attention.

  • Learn what the reader wants and needs, and how to satisfy that desire.

  • Learn how to create characters who live on in the reader’s mind.

  • Learn how to develop the problems and conflicts which make your characters compelling.

  • Learn to use point of view, perspective, & dialogue enhance your story.

  • Learn how to bring your story a conclusion that leaves reader satisfied.


Secrets to Successful Fiction

At the end of this six-week course, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of storytelling techniques, developed a unique voice, and crafted compelling characters and plots, equipping you with the confidence and skills to create a polished and engaging narrative that resonates with readers.

The Schedule

This training will take place over Zoom for the course of six weeks. Each week, you'll be able to participate in a 2-hour webinar & training covering varying topics relevant to writing your story. See below for the content we'll cover.

Sessions weekly on Thursdays at 6 PM CST from 10/3-11/7


Storyshowing: Keeping the Reader’s Attention on Every Page


You'll learn:

  • What the reader expects when she picks up a book.

  • How to use action and narration to tell your story.

  • Why the writer’s beginning point isn’t the same as the reader’s.

  • How to bring the reader on board – winning over the reader with a strong opening.

  • How to show, not tell, your story.

  • How to organize your story into scenes and chapters.

  • How to handle backstory and character history.

  • How to move characters from place to place and time to time.

  • Why suspense isn’t just for mysteries.


Creating Characters to Care About


In this session, you'll learn:

  • How to develop and show the central character (protagonist).

  • How to develop a worthy opponent, antagonist or villain.

  • How to create and handle your cast of characters.

  • How to use a character sketch or worksheet.

  • How to show characters in action.

  • How (and whether) to describe your characters’ physical appearance.


Conflict: Tormenting Your Characters For Fun and Profit


You'll learn:

  • Why conflict is uncomfortable for many authors.

  • Why problems make characters interesting.

  • Why conflict is not the same as plot.

  • How to create tension and suspense for the reader.

  • How to keep things unpredictable and surprise the reader.

  • How to use plotting techniques like Cause & Effect, What If, and Backwards Plotting.


Point of View: The Reader’s Window Into the Story


In this session, you'll learn:

  • What the possible point of view options are, and which one is best for your story.

  • What the benefits and drawbacks of each POV option are.

  • Why it’s important to use just one perspective at a time.

  • Why it’s so hard to stay in one POV.

  • How to dig into the character’s perspective and make him or her unique.

  • How to write the POV of a character who’s very different from you.


Dialogue - Talk isn’t Cheap, It’s Valuable


In this session, you'll learn:

  • When to use dialogue.

  • When not to use dialogue.

  • How to give information to the reader in dialogue.

  • How to make each line of dialogue advance the plot or illustrate the character.

  • How to present dialogue on the page.

  • How to make each character sound unique.

  • How to handle the character’s thoughts.


Bringing it All Together


In this session, you'll learn:

  • How to create satisfying and compelling endings.

  • How to use background and setting to enhance your story.

  • Why research is important and how to find what you need.

  • How reader expectation shapes various story genres.

  • Why you can’t write and edit at the same time.

  • How to move forward through self-critique and reading critically.

  • How everything covered in the six weeks fits together.

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Meet Leigh Michaels

Leigh Michaels is the award-winning and best-selling author of more than 100 books. More than 35 million copies of her novels are in print in 120 countries and 27 languages.

She has been published by five traditional publishers. A six-time finalist in the Romance Writers of America RITA contest, she is also the recipient of numerous Reader’s Choice awards.

She was awarded the Johnson Brigham Award by the Iowa Library Association for outstanding contributions to American literature.

She writes contemporary romance novels, historical romance novels, non-fiction books about writing, and local history collections. She has been a full-time writer and the major support of her family for more than 40 years.

A longtime editor, mentor, and writing coach, she teaches writing at Gotham Writers Workshop and previously taught at the Iowa Summer Writing Festival, as well as at writers’ conferences across the nation. A noted public speaker, she offers seminars and programs to writers’ groups and general audiences.

She is also the owner and editorial director of a small independent publishing company, PBL Limited, which specializes in producing niche-market non-fiction and local history books.

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